Can someone give me further clues to finding no.63Light chopped onion spread over. Already kindly been given coloured light, botanical another name for onion, but I just can't see the answer driving...
Getting nowhere with question 63
Light chopped onion spread over 8 Letters even with clues that have been given still can't see it. Thanks to anyone who can put me out of my misery.
Any help please with the last two? No1 Quite simply stop & go when shopping perhaps 4 & 4 letters - Is the answer Cash & Carry? No.50---79 & 47 found solidly in table for scientists. 4 & 6 letters
Can anyone help me with these please. No 50 - 36 come from a cold place No64 - Is the wren moving slowly and timidly No 80 - take the confused cat away from the nectarine No 86 - Rung in Dublin No...
Could anyone give me a clue to the years that i might find the answers to questions no 58 & 59 in the song title section just can't spot those two. Many thanks.
Can anyone let me know the closing date of the D quiz and also where to send. The facility to look for new quizzies seems to have disappeared with checking up on questions asked.
Can't get my head around the last 5 3 In Hebron Tea 17 Rochester Lad 28 In Tsar Tree 39 Northener 40 Zero Lupus Closing date fast approaching . Grateful for any help thanks.