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Mani Hussain

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The police are getting set to be able to use the national identity data base to cross match finger prints. Some people are concerned about the police going 'fishing' for finger print matches, whilst...
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Does Radio 4's "Thought For The Day" ever get you thinking about the issues it touches upon?
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Just wondering what people's favourite prayers are and why? My answer is not a very creative one I'm afraid, my favourite prayer is the our father. I like this prayer because it's a simple and...
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I've just heard a report that the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches may be planning to re-unite. Should they?
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I feel like a pensioner and im a single 24 year old lad ! Bascically my best years were 3 years of University where i had my own place etc I am back at home now and long for that lifestyle with my...
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born after the world cup triumph to become a full international?
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What has Alan Pardew achieved at Charlton which he never achieved at West Ham? AND What has Alan Curbishley achieved at West Ham which he never did during his 15 years spell at Charlton. Any bright...
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Does your partner have a friend of the opposite sex that a) isn't gay b) they have met more recently than you have been together as a couple (ie, they are not old school friends, neighbours, work...
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AB Asks
Sex offenders' details could be published on the internet according to a justice minister. Offenders who fail to co-operate with the police or abscond from their homes would have their information...
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The biblical definition is that you will spend eternaty telling god how wonderfull he is and singing praises to him (because he might be a tadge insecure?). But leaving all that religious cr@p aside,...
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Things have certainly changed in the seventeen years since I was a teenager. I was content to hire a video from Blockbuster, but judging by an article in today's, London Evening Standard, it is now...
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jedimistress 2/061214-dolphin-extinct.html Such sad news. I know that man is making creatures extinct every day but this one is so sad. He is such a cute little...
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I've been reading posts and disputes on this site where Christian people say they will pray for non-believers in the hope of bringing them to the truth. Followers of every religion on earth believe...
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Our cities are now becoming like Chicago of the 1930s and we are now seeing armed police patrolling our streets for the first time. What can be done to rid our streets of the Gangster like attitude of...
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Letter in The times yesterday was querying why he refers to himself as black when his mother is white. Same with Halle Berry - she has a white mother yet refers to herself as black. It got me...

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