That soup question reminded me of something. When i went to someones house one time they had dumplings in their soup and let me tell you they were the most lightest fluffiest dumplings i've ever had...
sorry I feel I have something wrong. Can anyone tell me 4d positions affording superority or benefits. I have ?a?t?e??
17a led or guided - as at a wedding. ???e?e?...
15a turning point, crucial moment (6) c - i - i - 90a vulgar and lacking refinement of character (6) c - a - - - 91d white mountain covering (7) - - - - - c - - 100a crofter's cottage (5) - - - h -...
16a distended, swollen (6) t - r - i -
36a gives up, abandons (5) - r - t -
62a behave in a fawning manner (3, 3, 6) - - - / - - d / - c -a - -
thanks in advance for any help...
4d. treads and risers. ?T?I?S 11d. hold responsible. ?R?N? T? A?C?D?T 52d. of a book, not yet opened. U????? 58a. worthy of pride. R?S?E?T?D 62a. very inebriated. ?R?N? A? ? ?O?D 21a. husked crushed...
We are trying to decide whether to go out tonight as we don't want to get stuck! Is the snow with you yet and where do you live? We are in NE Leicestershire, just have powdery snow coming down on and...