Still a few to get for today... 41A - Answerable, Accountable (11) R--------B- 63A - Without a long life (10) 109A - Agreement, Accord (13) ---E-S--N---- 5D - Roofing Material (7) B----E- 10D -...
Brain refusing to respond to these so all help much appreciated.
17a fairness -u-t--e
63a without a long life p--I-----e
87d worthy of attention -o-a---
108a put in danger ------d--e-...
Can anyone help me finish??? Please!!! Thanks in anticipation. 62(d) Failure, Flop (4,5) ?a?? s??i? Letters come from Seventh Greek letter (3) ETA Requires (5) wants? Salvador, Surrealist painter (4)...
92 d -sheep-herding dog (7) s?e?t?e
35d-unserious involvment (with) (10) ?b???a?i??
32d-space in front of building (9) ?o???????
90d-bestowed (7) ??a???d...
Bought this CD off Amazon today and was curious as to peoples favourite Disney Song(s) - mine would have to be Three Caballeros, Give A little Whiste and Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat and One Jump Ahead...