I presume there is a WEEKEND section in today's Telegraph? My online version doesn't have that section today!! Need to know if they have forgotten to upload it, or there isn't one this week for some...
A few that are puzzling me today! 7d Having harmony or complete agreement (9) U-I---O-S ( I thought unanimous but then 10 can't be "climb" - ascend with difficulty (5). 12a Resembling a...
Oh dear, just brain-dead I think....23a one forgoing pleasure (7) P-----N. 14d unscrupulous person (7) S------ 19d eliminate (5) ----- (first letter could be N if 18a is cinch
21a Full of beans - and gin? (8) S---I--- 28a Soldier to go off, it's absolute nonsense(8) ----Y---. 19d Mostly view a city in plan of action (8) -----R-- 8d I'd say unpalatable alcohol contains some...