1. tuesday or monday 11. no ice cream or lolly allowed 15. use this in a power cut 21. scaley shadow 23. game of golf 41. had a tank sorry i don't know how many letters there are in each answer...
stuck on these, any help would be much appreciated 11. a firery fruit (6,5) 15. the very small great monkey 18. a small design (3) 25. the leading player in this quiz (4,5) 26. the sixteenth and...
3. 1968 show (4) 10. exhale audibly a long deep breath with a lisp (5) 11. listeners to jonathan ross may think this is a card game (5) 13. rubbish (5) 15. dovetail or mortice & tenon (6) 17. not...
8. leap stutters because it has a sauce (7,5) 9. another fruit fruit (10) 10. confused pair of child's beds (7) 11. a fiery fruit (6,5) 13. the crop for a mills and boon novel (7,5) 15. the very dark...
15. the loch of a star and painting/drawing/sculpture (4,7) 20. furrowed territory is a lake (7,5) 21. faux bacardi loch (7,4) 23. loch associated with robert burns (4,4) 24. aqua refus(e) in reverse...
5. sounds like fake crumbs - for drinking (8,5) 9. sounds like the deer left the stream (7,5) 10.excellent lake (4,4) 12. the spike (minus the junction) with the ocean is simple (7,4) 13. lagoon...
4. many litle men with french headgear (11) 5. donkey's bray lisps it's tattered (8,5) 9. this one is found in the depth of winter (9) 10. does the raven's family eat these berries (9) 13. the dried...
1. declared as world heritage site in 1983 (5,6)
5. the last remaining wonder of the ancient world (7,2,5)
14. a symbol of friendship freedom and peace (6,2,7)
29. mad and tree (anagram) (5,4)...
A11. entrance after a few lefts for island city (10) B2. body of water named for narnian (7,3) B11. aged pork product in northern england (6) B16. find the right texture to adapt for market town (9)...