I just sent you an email because AB was freezing on my iPad, this has been happening all morning of and on, but everything else is OK. Now for some inexplicable reason it seems to be working again,...
A crack appeared in the kitchen ceiling and got gradually worse over the last couple of days. The shower in our bedroom is just above the spot but there was no sign of damp on the ceiling. We asked...
I know that not everybody will be interested but Len Goodman will be leaving after this year's series. Who should replace him? My vote would go too Anton de Beke.
He was re-admitted to hospital in the middle of Wednesday night with severe breathing difficulties -water on the lungs - and may be there for up to a week. He is now 'comfortable' and will be having...
Had An email from his wife, he had the operation yesterday morning and is recovering well. He hopes to be 'let loose' on Friday. I expect we'll here from him later today.
Fell down the stairs last night and broke a bone a the top of the humerus! Agonising pain so went to local hospital and ended up with a collar and cuff and pain killers, which aren't having much...