3d Ceremony one covered by Irish broadcaster R?t? 12a Reverberation from English church organ initially E?h? 17d Estimate speed R?t? 29a Decree I ignored to obtain military supplies ???n???? 31a Start...
4d Go between ? 8d Crimea ? 16d Genuflect ? 18d Potato ? 2d Trouble in China sending out messages M?i?i?g 1d Take this out to cure anorexic ? Surely can ,if ordered H?a?t ?i?s?r???? 25d I'm surprised...
1a Very busy printer finally put in tender for flier ????i?????d 10a It may summon doctor in black jumper, say ????p?? 12a Loyalist threesome entertained by irishman P?????t 14a Odd customers quit...
13d Solar panel ? 12a Stun ? 27a Northern republicans seize vehicle for rock band ??r???a 7d Disapproval about current fall in value ?e?r???a???? 14a In which "eco-slops' are dissolved ? ??s?p??? 3d...
8d Enemy scattered ,grabbing unknown chemical ?n???? 13a One may put in German figurative language I?a?e?? 17a Follow to make certain king's gone E?s?? 18a Business masks extreme socialist doctrine...