Could you give me a clue to 'Two American Soldiers' please. I have an answer but unsure. Could you give me the amount of letters in the answer so I can see if I am correct or still need to work on it....
Could anyone help me with the alternative answer please to this Book Title. The clue is 'Safe Vessel'. I have no other clues. Another clue was 'Child Dozed' I put the answer 'Kidnapped' Thank you for...
Quiz based on three words which have a connection. eg TOOTH, GODMOTHER, STORY. ANS FAIRY. Please send £1 donation and SAE to Ms M Spinks, 29 Tinkers Drove, Wisbech, PE13 3PQ Closing Date March...
This is supposed to be a Musical, tv programme or film. Please cn you help. I need to get it off this week. No letters or number of letters is given. Thank you
part of a jib (6) legendary rodent reducer (4.5) thought of pied piper but not found in the kitchen, as far as I know!!!!! I put this quiz away as very frustrated, then found this site so over to you...