hi could anbody help me to find the tv theme music to treasure hunt a tv prog from the 80's starring aneka rice flying around in a helicopter... ive been after the theme tune for ages,, please...
hi could anyone tell me were i could get a copy of the tv theme tune METAL MICKEY classic 80's programme with the robot and granny played by irene handle.. thanks
could anbody tell me the name of the song in the new irn bru advert were 4 goth's goto blackpool, the song has got the words "here come's summer".... plz help thnkz
hi is there any way of chipping my x-box without putting a mode chip in . i know there are cd's you can use for the ps2 to play pirate games. is there any cd's for the 360 yet.
allo could anyone 1 tell me wot the song is in the new pepsi max ad is were 3 guys and 1 guy turns into a dashboard doll getting kissed by 2 girls plz.....
hi could anybody tell me the name of the song where the players go up in firework streamers and song sounds like the time is now..... please help thanks