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For those who are interested, trying to do a dual-boot install of Ubuntu by following the instructions at uide_linux_vista_and_xp_stepbystep.htm...
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I can understand how the old tape cleaner worked but how does using a CD clean the lens of a CD/DVD?
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can anyone please please help me and tell me how I do this. I am a bit thick when it comes to things like this and my dishwasher wont work. Thanks. Katie. x
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I recently posted a comment about Microsoft in this forum. Wrong place! I got a response from Ethel which, notwithstanding the patronising tone, has made me "look into the mirror"!! I would like to...
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Can anyone out there please recommend a 'freeware' keyboard macro. I have a long email address which I frequently have to enter as my user name. I would like to run, as a startup program, a simple...
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Is there any means of getting rid of my mini feed on facebook, it hacks me off when people see what i do. Thanks
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hi we have a dell inspiron 1501, about 15 months old. for a few months now everything the comp does is slow, starting up, shutting dow, closing off a web page, opening up a messenger box, its all...
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... If so would you recommend it?
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A full system back-up of my Laptop takes 9 discs and a very long time. I read that an external hard drive would seem to be much faster and more manageable - probably 500Gb As a laptop user with no...
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Zone alarm is asking should I allow Delivery Manager Service on 212 58 250 5 HTTP, if I 'allow this once' I then get a message aking me to allow Delivery Manager Service to be a server on Port 1947. I...
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when I enter the date ie: Wed28th what I would like is ( th )to be smaller -Micro/word Les
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the kids have just bought a super duper pc. It's got everything they need and more and they are really pleased with it. When I had a go though, the keyboard and mouse, which are wireless, don't seem...
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About 5 days ago I went passed a mobile camera - on the other side of the road facing towards me. It didn't flash but I was doing about 36 Would I have noticed it or are they video cameras now - it...
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If you're on "Word" or other document writing applications on a Mac running office, how would you get rid of text IN FRONT OF the flashing line thing which shows you where to write stuff. It would...
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Do you pay extra to text someone who's abroad? I'm on Vodafone at the moment, but will also be using Orange
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Dear Good AB'ers - Will you notice the difference in performance if you 'RAID 0 ' 2 x indentical new SATA2 300MB/s drives on a new fast PC XP3400 + 2GB RAM ?? Thanks god AB'ers GL.
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How do I delete an E-mail in outlook express without opening it? I am on windows XP
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Do you have a sort of, favourite song that didn't quite make it? You know, one that you thought should have been a massive hit but never was? One of mine is Marys' Prayer by Danny Wilson. I always...
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1) Tell us an interesting fact about yourself... 2) What is your favourite card game? 3) Name a sportsperson you admire? 4) What is your favourite fruit? 5) What were you doing just before you logged...
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Could anyone help please? I have a Dell E520 with Intel Pentium D and use AOL (the computer is barely 12 months old) and I have started to get connection problems. When I click on the icon (2 screens)...

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