Last one - 32d An accumulation of discarded hardware, especially metallic refuse - I have SCRAP ?R?P have I gone wrong somewhere? Many thanks in anticipation
can anyone help with 21a "inventor moved onside" I??S?N - unless of course I have gone wrong - what's new I hear you ask. Any help would be appreciated
struggling with last three 19d Wild and disorderly South American city's holding out badly RIO(TOU)S, 18a Get round Rex with uncultured lady GERTRUDE, if there are correct what is 24 across Single...
Can anyone help with 15down "Pot shot is inoffensive at start" I?/OFF - perhaps I have gone wrong somewhere - for 14a I have Martinmas. Thanks in anticipation
I know I'm late - but can anyone help with 1a &18a "Hero of a story by James Thurber who indulged in daydreams" ?A???R/M???Y Many thanks in anticipation
36a Eponymous hero of a book by Georgette Heyer - I have ?I?A? M?R?E? have I got something else wrong because I cannot find a title to fit this clue. Any help greatly appreciated
2d There's nothing about America to pin down. ?A?L Just cant find a word to fit - and make sense of the clue. Thank you for any help that may be given.
Having trouble with 26a (clue) Refusal dictated in eastern drama N?H - perhaps I have gone wrong with other answers. Any help would be much appreciated.
Can anyone please help with 22d - Taunted horribly - got into temper A?T???D and 28a Wipe out former parasite by the sound of it E?P???E Many thanks in anticipation of any answers
9a S?X?A?? nautical instrument still initially in existence 4d G???I?Y Man about to remove the list a plucky way North of the Border - I take it this is "gustily" Any help would be...