Good evening, I know missing letters are not my bag of tea, but I’m sure to learn something from this one. Help would be appreciated for the following, thanks! 12a Having numbered pages folded... ...
Good evening, I’m stuck on the following for which I would appreciate help. Many thanks in advance! 12a Rees-Mogg type on drugs? Sweet! (6) : R????? 19/4 It offers a poor view of WASP leader... ...
Good evening, help for the following should give me a glimpse of the author and title of his book. Thanks in advance! 24a Theatre blessed to employ young singers (7) : ?R????? 28a Beat... ...
Good evening, in spite of the apparently daunting preamble, I’ve made some surprising head way with this one. Help with the following would be appreciated, thanks! 29a Resident in old people's... ...
Good evening, I’m having a shot at the Genius and have made some interesting headway. The ten special clues demand keen observation and much word sleuthing which keeps me on my toes. Some help... ...
Good evening, an interesting challenge from Lavatch this week! I enjoyed the French aspect of it, but am stuck on one of the clues and a few of the Unclueds for which I seek some help. Many thanks... ...
Good day, I'm stuck on this last one and would appreciate some help, thanks in advance. 13 Large, more erect – not the first to show reserve (6) : L?R?E?
Good afternoon from T&T, NACW! Glad my wish came true, I thoroughly enjoyed Doc's offering. I started it as soon as it arrived on Wednesday evening ( T&T time ) and cruised through much of it,... ...
Good evening, looks somewhat challenging, but interesting! Thanks for help with the following! ACROSS: 2 The coming week with new duties to be rearranged ( 9 ): ?????T?D? 16 Basis of bone erosions... ...
Good evening, I think I’ve got a glimpse of the theme, but I need confirmation for the following to continue. Thanks in advance! 1 Compound of fish and old rice stirred over heat at first (13)... ...
Good evening, I’m stuck on the following for which I seek help, thanks in advance! 10a Kinky material puts energy into soap? (7): L?A???R 28a Can resident politician Vic start to testify? (7) :... ...
Good morning, help with the following would be appreciated, thanks! 13a Smart new union member issued forth drinks (4-7) : ?????R???E? 23a Band splits, going west (5) : S?R?? 5d Greeted in the... ...
Good evening, I enjoyed Chalicea’s Annual Event much more than her Spectator’s offering. But I seek parsing for the following, hoping that they are correct. Many thanks in advance! 6d Father... ...
Good day, some help would be appreciated for the following, thanks in advance! ( ) 10a Through passage for Scots across Spain? (6) : T??NSA 33a Royal lady... ...
Good day from a scorching tropical Friday in Trinidad & Tobago! Had a wonderful time with Doc's Spectator for this week, answers flowed and the theme appeared quite early in the game. Hope this... ...
Good evening, after a very encouraging start, I’m stuck on the following for which I seek some help. Many thanks in advance! 13 Secret agent holds the floor (5) : ?T?T? 19 A little bit of... ...
Good morning, an EV puzzle that seems to be quite Matakari friendly as far as the clues are concerned. Just three for which I would appreciate help before going on to the theme! Thanks in... ...
Good evening! Mr Magoo has stumped me with the following for which I would appreciate some help. Many thanks in advance! 12a Another one bites the dust, recipe being trapped wind (7) : ... ...
Good evening, some help with the following would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! 1d Minister Henry, um, getting screwed aboard plane (6,4) ????M????? 2d Waves of fantastic gains followed by... ...
Good morning, after the challenge of the past week’s EV, I’m very happy to have solved Doc’s offering quite early yesterday! The theme jumped at me as soon as I got 6a, 15a and 1d. With some... ...