Hi! I just took some meatballs out of the freezer for dinner, but I don't have a microwave....I forgot to take them out last night. Can I just stick them in the oven frozen? I'd normally shallow fry...
Hi all. I'm currently studying teaching in further education, and we have to do a 15 minutes peer teaching practice next week. My subject is "rote learning". I'm fine with the lesson plan, but I'm...
I know I know....But tonight is actually great! I love the Big Band style....and Laura and Eoghan have given wonderful performances! Scott was crap though, and Daniel was...well...Daniel...lol
So...who do you think will win? I'm thinking it;s gonna be between Rachel, Austin and Laura. Wee Eaghmon (sp?) is cute as, and from here, so I should be rooting for him, bless...but I don't think he's...
Hi! My friend is due in 6 to 8 weeks, and her mum is supposed to be her birth partner. However, her mum is abroad, and if baby comes early, I told her I would be there. In a word:...
I arrived back last night, to a VERY excited cat..lol She was headbutting the window as I was trying to come in! Bless! Italy was wonderful. I spent 2 days in Rome, and went to an Irish pub on the...
Hi! I think it was Jenna and a few others who were looking for a face primer some time ago, and were keen to try Smashbox? I recommended the Gosh primer from Superdrug as a cheaper alternative at the...
Hi! My bloody cat walked over my laptop, which must have changed a setting, and now everything looks a lot bigger. It's not only Firefox or IE, it's everything on my desktop. Changing font size...
Hi! I am off to Rome on sunday until Tuesday when I go to Naples. I have already been there, but always in a group, and we were teenagers! I'm going by myself, and I would like a "relaxing but fun"...
Hi! I have to confess I thoroughly enjoy the X Factor, especially for the auditions part. Is there anywhere one can watch the ENTIRE good auditions bit, and I mean the yes's? It's so frustrating when...
What is it? ;O) Be it shocking, out of character, pranks....Nothing sordid though! lol (ie: "I once murdered my uncle with a matchett" will not count). I've done a few.....but I'm waiting for...
Hi! I want to bake cookies tomorrow, but can't find a REALLY simple recipe online, there are just too many to chose from! I have: plain flour, milk, caster sugar, butter, eggs, oats. Does anyone have...
I let my cat out for the first time tonight, after having her spayed, vaccinated and medicated properly. It was only a few minutes at a time at first, then she came back in. However, she has now been...
What do you think? Would you not mind your baby being fed by another woman's milk? I haven't got any children (yet), but I don't think I would be comfortable with it. It is such an intimate and...
Hi! My friend just installed a wireless router for me, along with a USB wireless adaptor plugged into my laptop, as it wasn't wireless enabled. I have XP home, and I'm on Virgin broadband. Now, it's...
I'm watching Cinderella man, with Russell Crowe, and I can't believe neither of them are knocked out by some of those punches!!! Do some people have an incredibly high pain threshold, or what? I know...
who would you want to be? I'm hesitating between Kirsten Dunst (just to be absolutely drop dead gorgeous for one day! lol) and Bruce Willis (and I would just stand naked in front of a mirror all day!...
If you want to book a wee break in the UK for January, check out the Travelodge website! They are doing a ?9 sale on loads of rooms. I've just booked the Covent Garden hotel for 2nights for ?18! :O)