Can anyone help with a couple of clues please? 7d Cape Canaveral display: step in (9) S?A?E?O?T looks like space something but can't see it - probably just being thick 55a Get in RADA, having...
Good morning everyone, it's a gorgeous day today here in the West Midlands. Very cold, but beautifully sunny. Nevertheless, I'm stuck on a few of these, and wondered if someone could offer some help,...
26a chemical attractor that could give one more hope with women ultimately 9 2d white powder shout when it spreads around the ouse 7 12d bring in one of an earlier generation not half bringing weight...
I want 13d to be Whirlwind but it won't fit as I have vashti as 19a answer! 13d James clavell novel which forms part of The Asian Saga 9 and 19a The wife of King Aharsuerus, who saved herpeople from...
Am stuck on a few today, would appreciate a bit of a shove in the right direction, please .... 10a town in Cheshire north of Winsford (9) ?o?t?w??? 29a one who is very reluctant to spend money (9)...
14 a. a type of fine sedimentary rock composed of mud, clay and tiny fragments of various minerals including quartz (5) I have s?a?i
Any help much valued, thanks...