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A desire that I will succeed (5) Answer is aitch but can't parse where succeed comes into it, Thanks.
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Article on response to Facebook post and similar things (3,4) T-E -I-E
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Stuck on last 3. Broadcast having specks on screen after relocating north (4) S - W - Looks like sewn or sawn. Star wants caress away from all outsiders (7) A-T-R-S Maybe attires? Landmark of capital...
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Impressive feature of women introduced to wife of player (3,6) W-W - A - T - R Looks like wow master but never heard of it!
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One twice gets the bird (4) The answer seems to be ibis but I can't parse it. Anybody any ideas? Thanks.
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Alphapuzzle cryptic clue for today....
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Just 2 short now. 6d Consumer favouring home region's cola over alternative (8) ?O?A???E 13a Learner involved in broadcast delay (4) L??? Looks like slow but can't parse it. Many thanks...
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Male exposed leg showing coloured skin (6) M ?????? Could it be mottle? If so please parse. Film showing cross wild bats south of island (8,5) ???A???? ?O?L? With climbing plant covering it,king's...
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Periodical printed in Bavaria and used in state exam. The answer is Sunday Times but help needed in parsing the answer. Thanks.
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Ignoring odds theatre down in town (6) H-R-O- Looks like Harrow but can't parse it. Thanks
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22a. Struck with pike t?l?e?
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7a Sheep and ducks returned home. How do you parse Merino 16a Restaurant charge pound to gain unlimited cutlery (7) corkage?? 5d. Cleaning so long reduced colour (8) ?n?e?i?g...
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Does anyone have printed in their issue of the July 2022 Saga magazine the cryptic clue for 11 across, please. Mine doesn't!
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Struggling with last 3 clues. 4d Boss is idiot having daughter dismissed (4) - - - O 5d Fortunate finding viral infection solution (6) - - - K - Y 8a Soothe fungal disease with change of direction in...
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wise people put maori dance on manuscript
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Struggling to parse the last 2 clues. 1.Disquiet when entering a French base (6) UNEASE. I can see "when" = as and "a"in French = "un" but not sure about the two "e's" 2.Brilliant mood in compound (7)...
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1d Discredit king beginning to lose lead (5) R - B -T . Looks like rebut but can't parse. 14d Insecure Cockney had fault (6) - D -I - -. Could it be edgier? If so can't parse it 21a Lounge about...
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1. Large pudding (4-4) R??? B?L? 2.Love the same perfect place (5) O???E 3. Transcend (8) O?T?????. Thanks
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22a Breakfast in 'ouse character fails to finish (8) ?m?e?s?e 2nd & 3rd etters may be wrong! 18a Resign from pit according to report (4) ?a?e Help appreciated thanks...

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