Stuck on last 3. Broadcast having specks on screen after relocating north (4) S - W - Looks like sewn or sawn. Star wants caress away from all outsiders (7) A-T-R-S Maybe attires? Landmark of capital...
Just 2 short now. 6d Consumer favouring home region's cola over alternative (8) ?O?A???E
13a Learner involved in broadcast delay (4) L??? Looks like slow but can't parse it.
Many thanks...
Male exposed leg showing coloured skin (6) M ?????? Could it be mottle? If so please parse. Film showing cross wild bats south of island (8,5) ???A???? ?O?L? With climbing plant covering it,king's...
7a Sheep and ducks returned home. How do you parse Merino
16a Restaurant charge pound to gain unlimited cutlery (7) corkage??
5d. Cleaning so long reduced colour (8) ?n?e?i?g...
Struggling with last 3 clues. 4d Boss is idiot having daughter dismissed (4) - - - O 5d Fortunate finding viral infection solution (6) - - - K - Y 8a Soothe fungal disease with change of direction in...
Struggling to parse the last 2 clues. 1.Disquiet when entering a French base (6) UNEASE. I can see "when" = as and "a"in French = "un" but not sure about the two "e's" 2.Brilliant mood in compound (7)...
1d Discredit king beginning to lose lead (5) R - B -T . Looks like rebut but can't parse. 14d Insecure Cockney had fault (6) - D -I - -. Could it be edgier? If so can't parse it 21a Lounge about...
22a Breakfast in 'ouse character fails to finish (8) ?m?e?s?e 2nd & 3rd etters may be wrong! 18a Resign from pit according to report (4) ?a?e
Help appreciated thanks...