My local council has started providing wheelie bins for everyone in the borough. Instead of clean, tidy, obstacle free front gardens and pavements we are about to be blighted by the further...
FOUR THINGS YOU PROBABLY NEVER KNEW YOUR MOBILE PHONE COULD DO !!! There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency...
My grand-daughter (17yrs and 7 months/still at school doing A levels) has just started working for a shoe chain. She is supposed to work 4 hours on a Sunday at £4.95 per hour but found on her...
i've made rather a meal of trying to prune a weigela. would it survive if i were to cut most of the main stems to the ground ? at ground level there are several stems growing across each other. would...
Do you enjoy dining out or do you find prices exhorbitant, just dined out recently and paid £13.50 for a bottle of house wine which turned out to be 11.5 vol. didn't state this on the wine menu...
If I work a 8 hour day 9-5 what breaks am I entitled to ? I have been told that you get 15mins morning break and then 30 mins for lunch, the lunch break is unpaid, so we get paid for a 7half hour day....
Have just received our flight tickets from Thomson travel ,booklet much thinner than usual due to fact they have not enclosed any luggage labels.Is this another economy drive to save money.?
As the antibiotics don't seem to be working, (since may 10th, 500mg of either clarithromycin, those were for two weeks, and erythromycin up to last Thursday) Mercia asked them if she could try Manuka...
Not being at all familiar with theatre land, can any of you recommend a show suitable for my 7 year old grand-daughter please. I know I can google and probably will, but I was hoping somebody had...
Is that what they're called? I've had to come in as I'm covered in those tiny little thunderbugs and I'm itching all over. Anyone else got them? Why do they appear on Sundays when you want to be in...
I have a recipe which calls for a cup of flour and a cup of cream(among other ingredients) do I use the same sized cup I have enough problems with grams etc. I like good old lbs and ozs. Thanks for...
Hello I got sun burnt last sunday which is very nearly a week ago now.I burnt my face, tops of hands and tops of feet as wearing full body wet suit. Having sun burn has been as expected except my...
7th July, I will be 66, if I make it to next week.
No presents please but donations to the rum tasting society would be most welcome. XXX...