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Im off to a dinner party later on this week and the host has already told us that he's got a big surprise for us which may be good news any other time but this host has form for offering his guests...
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I always enjoy a woman that is heavy in the buttock region and one that has child bearing hips. I know from experience that a woman like a strong intelligent chief that can "Bring home the...
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This is seen as illegal and frowned upon here? Why is this, shouldn't a strong virile male be allowed to breed with more then one woman? many men cheat on their wives when they are pregnant maybe if...
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can anyone give me a tried and tested recipe for monkey bread. thanks in advance
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I have got a few whiskers coming up on my chin. God what am I gonna do?? Start shaving??? What is causing these hairs to start sprouting now?? Where is the nearest circus! Lol....
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I was at a friend's house the other day and she has a 4mth old baby. Her boyfriend has always been a bit of a joker and stupid but he was cuddling and loving the baby when all of a sudden he burped...
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The night belongs to you, i was just keeping it warm for you. Hope you have a great sleep and ill catchup with you lot tomorrow. Peace and love my friends. Ciao for now....
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i was far too p!ssed to walk, really I should have just driven home....
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Always work out in the end whatever you do without you needing to think of the consenquences... How true is this?...
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you will be quids in if you did....
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yaay ... the gingha terror is back on the streets ... well .......... in the bars ... Wooo Hooo !!...
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When the chips are down?
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Does this site shut early as you can cut the deathly silence with a rusty blunt butter knife! Come out and say hi!...
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theyre having a wee garden party with friends....i think il get some pics blown up and a cake..any other ideas!?? xxx ps how are we all xx...
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just wondering haha seriously i am really very curious if these things work , i personally am ok but i wouldnt say no to a bigger one lol
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This is not a mwah mwah thread and is only intended as a bit of fun. So which abers do you think should win hands down in the following categories? 1. Most helpful (all round knowledge) 2. Biggest...
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Of all the stupid adverts for this product,the latest one must take first prize for being "a load of bo!!ocks" This advert and its predecessors, is an insult to everybodies intelligence....
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...........out there? Save up your shillings and plonk them down to buy this. Maybe if we all contributed a few dollars and pounds we could have our own Answer Bank Picnic Island.
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What have you had, having or going to have? Me Im thinking of a backward burger. Its where instead of the bread you have two burgers and instead of the burger in the middle you have the bread there!...
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how can i make it really tasty like the bought stuff

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