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Eat your heart out big boy. I got 21 stars on a thread here this weekend. Nerrrrrr
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Did you know that you are on tv on the sc-fi channel at this moment fully ressurrected and having a monumental battle with the scorpion king in the mummy returns? Oh b'ugger the adverts have just come...
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That Mr dick ed and his spar ed will ban me come tuesday ?
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I love me and everybody else on here who does put yor paw print on here. bounce come here I need your paw
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Are you rampant?
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I love you. Not
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You two faced old hag
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Are you here yet?
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The trotsky bro's been all weekend then. Have big ted and spar ed given up and realised they have made a mistake by trying to tame us on here as that ain't ever going to happen is it. Freedom of...
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Is this an easter bank hollday weekend. The messiah he has just risen like kraftys yorkshire pud's. He were not supposed to rise until monday. Leg you are a bit premature there mate
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I've come over all Scottish all of a sudden today. Now is that a good thing or a bad thing?

1 to 11 of 11