Yes I know we all have to get to work on time but occasionally you cant. I sat in a big queue this morning and the workmen had stop go signs. The poor blokes were doing all they could, I sat there...
My husband and I are breaking up he just does not know it yet. I have to get enough money saved to leave the *******. In the mean time how can I ruin his life and/or possessions? I need to do it in a...
My friend (thirtysomething) is always moaning and bleating to me about how he can't get a girlfriend. He has tried singles clubs, to no avail. He has tried speed dating and failed. In pubs, if I've...
I no this sounds bad but women are weird one second there happy next there sulking over something you havent even done. Women are weird they can make you feel so happy then they can break your heart...
When do you all think we will stop talking about Jade Goody? As she really done enough wrong to warrant getting this much press? What she did was bad but there as been worse and will be worse in the...
i have like a big lump under the skin around my mouth area, only recently came out its like the sixe of a pea, you cant see it to look at the areas just a bit red, it hurts to touch, im worried it...