Looking for assistance with some Christmas related Dingbats which have me puzzled TURKEY SSSSSSSS stel Pres ents Would really appreciate any suggestion Thanks
I'm stuck on 3 questions re a UK towns and cities quiz and wondered whether anyone could help please. A backward town, yes, more or less (6) Sounds like the cockney rabbit is nearly home (9) A beer...
UK Cities & Towns To find this town will be a contest (7) You will find an old man here (6) You will have to chase after this town (7) A confused American pop star 1926-1987 (6) Any thoughts would be...
Hi I wonder whether anyone could advise on the link words between the Saturday crossword i.e Apple, Desk, China and Ship and those in yesterdays i.e.Rose, Ling, Apple and Fern. I haven't done this...
In which town in Essex did Tracey in Birds of a feather live please. there are 8 letters in the answer I believe. Also can anyone parse something for me please. The clue is Men from here sang to the...
There are 2 towns each of 7 letters. I believe one is in Somerset and one in Wales but not sure. The clues are:- Carry on ridiculing Was this panther a dragon? I wondered whether anyone has a...