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any 1 remember picture box???.......i seem 2 remember a dog puppet that kept things under its ears it was a blood hound a a bloke with grey hair??...??..
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Hi, We have a 3 yr old female cat who up until now has never had a problem with fleas. About 6 weeks ago I noticed a few on her so promptly went to the Vets and bought 6 months worth of Frontline,...
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My cat is obsessed with food. Every time he comes in from the garden he goes straight to his bowl, he is a bit ginger moggie and has always been the same, but it is now becoming an obsession. He is...
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the roads around where I live (Edinburgh and lothians) are always very, very busy, particularly at rush hour. Long queues of traffic are the norm, delays inevitable. How do you guys entertain...
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Now that we know that the PS3 launch will be delayed for the UK, when it is launch in 2007 will there be a healthy supply of PS3's available even if you did not pre-order it?
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or bite the bullet and buy the xbox 360? ive always been a playstation fan but all the faffing around sony are doing with the ps3 is putting me off, will the ps3 be any better than the 360 or do...
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I use a lot of torrent sites and see 360 games on there. i have never downloaded them. can anyone explain how to burn one and get it to play on my 360. cheers in advance
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What would be the chances?

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