Hi. My partner is being hounded by Northumbrian Water for outstanding amounts from his ex marital home. He left the property almost 8 years ago and his ex wife still resides there, the home is hers...
Hi Can you please advise on the following. A friend of mine has been 'Stood Down' from work as they don't have anything for him at the moment. He (among others) was given no notice, just told to go...
I have had a sore throst now for 6 days. It is very sore when I swallow also my ears are very painful. One minute im hot the next I am so cold i have goose pimples. My neck is painful and I have a bad...
After deciding a few months ago that January'11 was the right time, I gave up smoking a few days back. I've not gone for patches or gum or anything, yet surprisingly I dont have any cravings...
I watched this film on TV last night for as long as I could. It goes down in my book as the most fatuous, puerile and infantile movie ever made. If this is American humour I'm glad to be British. Too...
I've been getting night sweats for around 18 months now (I am 40 next month), when I have them I am freezing, yet soaking. They are often accompanied by restlessness and nightmares or vivid dreams,...
We sold a vehicle two years ago, sent in the notification of a new keeper off to DVLA. We moved house shortly later then last year we received (as we had mail redirection in place for a few months) a...
Tickets cost around £140 each, she hardly sang and 2,000 people walked out halfway through. Would you pay this for a concert with a 74 year old singer who has had a throat operation and can't...
I have been trying to think of the name of that film where the woman kept the writer hostage as she loved him . She chopped his foot and kept him in bed only let him up to write his book to finish...
I might be behind the curve here! Is the woman who seems to be Archies daughter a (former) policewoman? I'm sure I've seen her giving residents of the square a hard time in th epast.
I have had some pretty major problems for just over the past few yrs. A lot of it financial, I spent 4 yrs trying to make ends meet until eventually my house was repossessed, relationship problems...
hiya im learning cake decorating (teaching myself) I have followed a variety of recipes and find them either too runny or too stiff and unable to pipe with it. anyone have a good recipe? thanks x...
Got some beautiful leeks apart from making soup or wrapping them in ham and baking them in a cheese sauce delicous,as anyone else got any ideas that they like thanks!