Disappointed. If all you want left is a handful of old ladies that post on chatter bank and annoyingly in every section, simply because they are bored with nothing to contribute then carry on. It's...
I just need to put this behind me & resolve the matter in my mind! I was diagnosed with glauocoma in February this year, and what with that & this still going on I am acompletely stressed out!...
I am sure this has been asked, so sorry to repeat, but why do we no longer receive emails when we get a reply to a question? I dont like the new set up and find I am using it less each day. I used to...
1. Gender Male Female 1. What age bracket do you fall into? 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51+ 2. How many portions of fruit and vegetables did you eat yesterday? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 more _____ (please state)...
I can't bare to watch someone put wood in their mouth. Which means I never let my kids finish an icelolly. I also have to have at least 3 attempts to brush my teeth in the morning....I usuaully get...
Do you think you've been here before? Have you ever been, or would you consider being regressed?
Or do you know someone who was regressed, and discovered something amazing about themself?...
1. Are you wearing perfume / aftershave & which is it 2. What is your mood right now 3. What do you wear to bed 4. Last book you read 5. Are you punctual 6. Last time you cried / laughed & why...
I want to decorate my kitchen, it currently has cream walls, beach units and black worksurfaces, I want to get black floor tiles, but need a change of colour on the walls, I just cant think of one...