Who is the author of the following lines and from which piece of work? "We are no more than a moment in time. Set in the midst of all this beauty. It will not be forever. For who can doubt that the...
I seem to recall reading some time ago that when Henty V111 died no one would touch his body because of the rancid smell caused by the ulcers on his legs and that his body was burned in his bed where...
What is a Subsidiary Tax Certificate? I am dealing with the Will of a dear friend and in calling in his PEPs and ISAs the Investment Companies are asking if I want a Subsidiary Tax Certificate. Do I...
What part of the carcass of a cow is "skirt". I have a recipe for pasties which refers to skirt of beef but such a description does not appear on my diagram showing cuts of beef?
Can an Executor of a Will who is not a member of the family of the deceased invite a member of that family to be joint Executor even though he is not named in the Will other than a beneficiary, so...
Are there standard fees which Solicitors and or Accountants charge for administering a Will through Probate? If so where might I find this information?
What is the origin of the expression "Rubber" as referred to in the context of a sports competition? The question was raised on the BBC TV commentary/chat during rain affected Wimbledon and no one...
Is it possible to copy a Betamax video tape onto either DVD or VHS video tape? If so can anyone suggest where i might be able to get this done? I have discovered an old tape with family bits and...
Does anyone know the origin of the expression "I couldn't hit a red haired step child" used in the same context as "I couldn't hit a Barn Door"? It occurred today during the course of a game of...