I have recently had excruciating cramp like pains on either side of my pubic region when needing to urinate and sometimes had to wait for them to pass before completing the process. The pains...
I shut it down and had my 'techie'repair it.Thanks to those who tried to help,but am appalled at those who were most rude.I thought this site was for folks who wished to help others.
this evening and making sure no dickeds decide to be Snags and put links up to any of the banned pictures of Kate, i'm not opening ANY LINKS at the moment. I also would really like to see a ban for...
Hi there I was really anxious last night and I took a 5mg diazepam tablet I keep them for emergencies maybe I have one once a fortnight. But this afternoon I have been having really disturbing...
Is anyone else having this problem? I have a standard Sky box. It works fine during the day but now it gives 'no listings available'. This is throughout the categories. If I scroll forwards I start to...
Shopping trolley (with a mind of it's own) slid into my car to-day. Little scratch. Question? Have any of you used those "scratch pens" one sees forn sale? Are they effective? Should I...