What do you guys think about adults or teenagers having one or more imaginary friends in their mind? Even if they have friends in real life. Is it okay or wrong? And how should such a person deal with...
… a friend in her 40s abs usually super fit is on a ventilator and seriously ill in hospital. Yes, you’ve probably guessed it. Covid - and unvaccinated. Anti-vaxxers, please think again - for your own...
I'm not backing it I'm not saying it's a good idea. All I'm doing is trying to find out from you what the issues are. 100% inheritance tax......no allowance.....when someone dies the government gets...
Atheists, of the many misconceptions believers have about atheists, what are some that you experienced directly in interactions with believers that were especially irritating?...
On another thread (which seems to have just been closed down for no apparent reason, hmmm!) The subject of the intellect - which seems to be the final arbiter of atheists - was pitted against feelings...
I’m leaning towards becoming an atheist, so I am curious to hear from people on here who are atheists, what are some of the main things you enjoy about being an atheist?...
Driving home today I was listening to Jeremy Vine interviewing A J West about his new book, 'The Spirit Engineer', which examines, among other things, the reality or otherwise of the spirit world and...
The Internet and Social Media has given those of little reasoning power the ability to comment and opine on the general state of politics. Do you think this is good for democracy, or, given the...
I've quite a few CD's that have personal info on them that I know longer need.
Is there a way to destroy them?
Just tried my paper shredder and nearly broke it!...
A former secretary at a Nazi concentration camp has been captured after trying to flee before her trial in northern Germany. Irmgard Furchner, 96, charged with complicity in 11,000 murders, fled her...
Only 4% of Brits think Brexit has gone well. 14% Fairly well. 21% Neither Positive or negative 21% Badly. 32%Very Badly. 8% unsure........Oh dear . What happend to the "sunlit meadow" promised....
Prayer has become very popular. There are now prayer hours, prayer days, prayer weeks, prayer months, prayer years. Yes,Pressures and problems are multiplying in these “last days,” marked by “critical...
Anybody espousing, thinking of becoming, or continuing, with Communism - or indeed anyone under the age of 50, should I suggest, have a look at this;...
This huge structure being constructed in Birmingham is due to open in 2023. A survey carried out by the group responsible found that one third of people believe that prayer helps their mental...