25a Loss of movement exhibited by cattle in the east a-i-e-i- 39a Very small part of insect caught by child -m---e-n Also for 27d have RESIDENT 52a have CHISEL 19d have BACTERIA If these are correct,...
This has been, for me, extremely difficult. Just about finished, is 20a LOCATE? Clue is : Give one an appointment on getting through to. (Can see some odd logic, but don't like the clue.) Also would...
1a Tolerant, as traveller presumably is. I have broad-minded, or is it broad-headed? 4d Relative shortly following one into academic stream i-i- or a-i-. Thought it could be AKIN, but where does the...
14a Admitted to hospital, panic about unknown Tokyo worker S-L-R-M-N 38a Youthful character having quietly turned into mass criminal -E-E-M-N 55a Effortless way to recollect right lines on card and...
Finished half of this, now ground to a halt! Help please with 17a Is it Fathers of the earth? (Finders?) 49a Three times in a row, you'll win this (7,3,7) 13d Doctor in charge is dismissing -a---e---g...
My female puss is 17 now, still really affectionate and adorable. Lately she has become really deaf, and the vet says she has arthritis in her back legs. After blood tests, a liver problem has been...
After 5 hours or so, still stuck on two: 23d Pom's annoyance, wasting time in test venue ---s'a'e 27a Water channel run from the French court 4,4 something duct??? Answered many clues but still don't...
38d They're 55 across (freezing) in N. America. ice -o-e-. 62a The last of the wine. -e-s. 70d Unjust magistrate seen in winter. i-e. Suppose it is ICE, but why? 5d I have dotted, and 36a I have hoar....
Still stuck on a few 53a Accepted thinking that's prompt does maybe interfere (4,5) 15a Boy one follows teasing yelled out loud (a-c-i-a--) 35a Increasing weight bringing down plane (-a-i-g) Thanks.
32a Assign time to get out of college (4, 4). Assume it might be "send down" but why? And why is 33d oystercatcher, if it is, what has this to do with carpenters? Thanks for your advice.
2d would love to but it might be rash (4) -t-- 10a order an English drive for the car (5,5) 22a be on the verge of, when there's am objection (4) -B-- 13d poker player's score (4, 2, 4) Must be really...
3d Going over and over round bend in route (5) 14a Make towards the back of the tent (7) 25a Score points off teacher, with hidden book at front (4,4) I have Route, Marquee, and Mark down. Can anyone...