29d Novel Sir Thomas originally sent up, having transport available ?r?s???m / ?????? (8,6) I origininally thought traction engine but with the word novel I thought anag but I cant see it Crossarm is...
Whilst looking at my profile (as a member accused me of having more than one username), I looked at my very first post - and I can't believe that I will have been a member for 6 years in June! I am...
This was on the news over the weekend so I'm amazed no one has asked the question on here so here goes. Is 10 fair enough or should it be rasied or lowered. The childrens commissionaer, Maggie...
Help with these two please.
44ac Son and daughter eat fish and drink- it's in the kitchen (4-4)
33dn Part of revolver enemy used to capture English lines (6)
Many thanks....
What is the difference between aftershave and eau de toilette. Am I right in saying aftershave is poured out onto the hand then put on the face but eau de toilette is sprayed? Should it be sprayed...
Just wondering. Some new posters who dare to dip a toe into these waters may feel a bit shy as so many of you seem to "know" each other so well. I sometimes post and if it gets no response,...
The National Association of Muslim Police have received at least 15 times the funding of the Christian Police Association from the Home Office. Over the past 2 years alone, the NAMP have been funded...
hi ive just come home from KFC and was thinking about the 11 herbs and spices recipie they use, basically what i was wondering is that if you had afood allergy could you ask them WHAT this secret...
need a bit of help please 21a after morning its ok to be in a frenzy(4) a-o- amok? 26a little tennis player after the morning gets some shells (4)---o 30a potato pie with rodent in it (6) 35d...
Dont use your wife to political ends then people wont get on your back about it. She wasnt voted for she shouldnt be getting involved, keep them out of the way...
Can anyone help with these? 1) Chasing game by US river - (1 word and it is the name of a geographical feature such as a river) 2) From the stamp I conclude it's in Mexico (1 word - the name of a town...