If I may. this company a while back tried to rip me off via O2 Re/ Ring tones, they were sending 3 ring tones at a time with a total cost of £9, full total £93.75. O2 tried in every way to...
There are certain American locations that are prone to terrible recurring weather conditions such as hurricanes, tornado's, tropical storms etc on a regular recurring basis. Considering that the...
Isn't there something badly wrong when a cheap crappy video made specifically for the purpose of causing trouble can provoke such knee-jerk outrage. Shouldn't it just be dismissed as the rubbish it...
Hi there I have just woken up from a deep sleep with this terrible pain in my left arm from my wrist upwards it is ls slightly soree when I move it about the elbow but it seems to come and go I am not...
Hi all you people "oop north" - please order some nice weather for us today until Sunday, we are coming to see you! Staying in Leeds. Going to Harrogate Show Thursday so hope it doesn't...
mice i hate the f//king cutts(replace the third letter with an N). i live in a house infested with thee above bleach,demestos does not work. cutts are behind my fridge which i have blitz. how do i get...
Still loving Downton, especially Matthew and Mary ............ Does anyone else think Mr Bates in prison looks younger and more handsome in this new series?
While in the bath earlier today, and listening to Poetry Please, on the radio, this was recited http://en.wikipedia.o...ddocks'_Eyes#The_Poem I knew I knew it, but I'd forgotten it was by Lewis...
He wasn't really a very good Prime Minister or very good Conservative leader. Yet he is all over the news today. Has the cricket been rained off or something?
My daughter was off school on Friday with temp etc, went to docs yesterday, prescribed antibiotics for tonsillitis. She had a temp this morning but has been ok since, been complaining of a sore throat...
The thread that I posted re. the video that muslims found offensive enough to justify murderous rampages around the world seems to been removed. Perhaps the Ed. would do me the courtesy of explaining...
A little while ago I received a kind invite to share in a business opportunity with a complete stranger. I decided not to take them up on the offer as they were only offering me 35% of the money....
fanatics destroying our Country. What right have they, because if we acted the same in their homeland we would be put in jail. I suppose most of them are on benefits paid by you and me anyway! Deport...
At one time we hid the truth from the terminally ill, but now it’s common practice for doctors to tell them they’re going to die. Some accept it, but some live their last weeks and months...
Eeek! Can this be really true (no comments about the DM please)?
Imagine finding him burgling your house, I'd die of fright....