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So I will ask this in advance. What is the best way of stopping the swelling?...
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i keep seeing little blue cars...there were even 2 outside my house yesterday, and 1 is there today...ive seen 3 today on a 5 min journey. 2 the time before and 2 before that...and 3 the day...
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Does anyone know how to cure a jet lagged baby who spent two or three weeks in Australia. He's five months old and now they're back in England, he sleeps all through the day and it awake at night....
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Or Holy. Sorry hollie1586 down there... But just what is the problem?....
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just another form of woo woo? (woo woo been a pseudoscience) If you go to see a Freudian shrink then you will end up with Freudian problems, if you go to see a Jungian shrink then you will end up with...
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I am running a new tv aerial lead to my loft and wondered could you use the black lead that they use in sky installations instead of the normal white coaxial aerial lead. Thanks....
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On the Cross, Jesus said, 'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do'. If God is the father, and Jesus and God are one, who was he talking to?
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Thank you 4getmenot for reminding me of it
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Why is everybody moaning about the storyline...I think it is great. It will be very interesting to know how the scriptwriters will handle the situation when cat and alfie know that their baby is still...
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Hi do any psychic people come on here x
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geographically, what might this one be called?
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Sunday morning and it's a little bit warmer. Things are looking up! Have a happy day everyone....
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could you say a prayer for me please
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So, it was Claire then!?

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