Catholics traditionally comprise about 41% of the 1.8M population, s Sinn Fein would appear to be popular in the other communities as...
If this company has never made a profit, and therefore, never paid a dividend, I am at a loss why there should be this huge scramble to buy shares ?...
When we were discussing this miscarriage of justice a few weeks ago, you recommended that I read Paul Foots book on the subject. I finished the book last night.
Its been £145:50 per annum since 2010. I think its disgusting that it should rise by £1:50, a huge amount in 7 years ! ( tic )... Its official now Humphrys said, if Farage doesn't want these titles, then they won't offer one anyway. I am so glad he has cleared that...
I am trying to get my emails from BT Yahoo Mail, but I am getting an error notice ::::
"We're experiencing some technical difficulties.!
Anyone know what is wrong please ?... Decent speech from Major, not that anyone will listen of course. In fact the worst of the Usual Suspects have already started bitching ::::...