Still struggling with 21a....."Painter of light held by old King Cole"...(9)
I already have P?R???Y?R, but I can't get any further...any help appreciated !...
24a...Copy one periodical and finally leave ...I?A?E, and
26a..Attack beast with sharp horns. ?O?T...I think this is GOAT but not exactly sure why ?...
Read a book based in the days when the plague was about. I didn't know it could kill in a day. How was it eradicated in those primitive times or did it just die out and why don't we see it today?
Two left that I am unsure about ::: Thankx (in outlandish style) for yellow stuff X??????. I can only make XANTHAN but XANTHIC is yellow. Elizabeth wrote good about the Guardian. I have B?W?N but...