Puzzled and pondered...and down to three! Answers near as possible to how they sound. 8. Want headless state of well being rosier (2) 14. Near half of capital city 19. Father heavy base support...
All the answers are headgear or have the word hat in the answer ...any assistance appreciated with the ones am struggling with. 12. Dead man's cover (8) 13. Gossiping over the pig (7) 24. Fit for a...
Am stuck with one if anyone can help. Found eleven out of twelve words in the word search: Buckwheat, raisins, teff, oat flakes, apricot, blueberries, walnuts, parsley, sesame seeds, popping corn,...
Bit obscure - but can anyone help?Which one of these products does Leeds based instrument maker Surgical Innovations NOT make? C. The Hasson Adaptor - a bung that prevents gas leakage OR D. The...
Am struggling with lots of questions on this - so here's oneto se e if anyone can help. What did Miranda Hart's father do for a living? a. captained royal yacht britannia b captained Qe2 c. captained...