10 across Stone's a muddy colour covering main road (6) 13 across Seasonal decoration's garceful in stair case (5,5) -a-r-/--g-- 8 down Doctor Teresa has it sent up for systematic study (8) T-----s-...
12 across A line of verse, a line about Rex and Dan in trouble (11) A-e-a-d-i-e
19 across New director has educated Ian, emphasising theory (11) D-------i-e...
25 across Part seen to fret about money- they reduce loans (10)
10 down Result of hitting wrong key? Poor Mr Rose agrees (5,7)
22 down Conflagration's sadly brief, taking place inside (7)...
7 down Sexton in sanatorium comforts converted racist (9) S-c-i-t-n 4 down Australian novelist's "The Old Sleep"? (4-3) I think it may be Shut Eye but can't work out why. Any ideas?...
7 down Christians celebrate it in case of synod's rearrangement (9,3) -s-e-s/-o-d-y
13 down New one in charge has form concerning Roman revival (10) -e-c-a-s-c...