I have just been watching qvc shopping channel and they were advertising Skagen watches, I've never heard of them before does anyone know anything about them. My husband wants to but me a new watch...
6d - Grating sound sound sound (5) ?r?a? I note that previous answers given are either great (sounds like grate) or creak. I would opt for great but who knows?
I want other peoples opinions which is the best magazines or newspapers to do puzzles and quizzes and then entry it to win money. if anyone has a favourite please give me your advice and give me a...
GK crossword
32 across (5) *u*e*
piece of code added to a computer system to destroy data
I see this has already been asked and answered but when I click on the screen goes blank...
28A Muscle radiatating round part of eye
I have _C_E_A which suggests SCLERA but the sclera, according to the web anatomy diagrams, is not a muscle. Help, please.......
q1laurence olivier starred in this(4,8) q2 odds and ends sold here(6,4) q3 former ballet company(7,5)q4 fill oneself with food(5,2) thanks for your help