Is anybody out there suffering from the supposingly credit crunch or not?Dont notice any difference from a year ago.Is it just the media and govournment brainwashing us all.
Is anybody out there suffering in anyway because of the credit crunch or are we just being brainwashed by the media and govournment.Just dont notice im any worst of than a year ago?
Is anybody annoyed about the christmas present they were given by somebody ,when you put alot of thought into their present and possibly more money.Or did you feel that they dont value you as much as...
Why is it whenever you see the queens face she looks so miserable?What has she got to be miserable about.Shes got no money worries(thanks to us who are working).She hasnt got to do the christmas...
Does anybody out there order chinese delivery regularly from the same chinese or whatever takeaway all year round then at christmas it takes twice as long? About nearly 2 hours, it happened this week...
How much could a small business expect to earn(1 van husband and wife)e.g plumber,carpet fitter carpenter etc.Just wondered what other self emloyed people are eaning.many thanks.