These last two have stumped me. Answers contain the letters 'ite'. The answers are in alphaetic order so they are both beginning with c,d or e. They are No.5 Means of determining what a thing... ...
1) AMAZON (Written as a curve) 2) GREED AVARICE PRIDE SLOTH (D in greed, A in avarice, D in pride and S in sloth all highlighted) 3) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9... ...
Hi all .. doing a cryptic quiz between volunteers theme tv programmes past & present 1/ treble females 2/ knock down residences 3/ clever person 4/ conflict in a book shop 5/ victim of trauma 6/... ...
For the past four years I have been paying a monthly subscription to a US company and it has been problem free until recently. I have been paying £11 a month but a few months ago they started... ...
Ok not family, but shes a long time neighbour in her 80's, and we are concerned about her as she lives on her own since her husband died a few years ago, but shes been doing some very strange... ...
Am completely stuck on this - can anyone help me get started? Calm down [4,8,8]: ---- YOURSELF ---E---R Dance alongside Bond, showing restraint [4,3,5]: ---- AND ----- Characterless work that... ...
I have 2 answers for the following question but now feeling both could be incorrect. Any help appreciated.............No: 44, out of hours pay for metallic police officer 6,7 I first thought silver... ...
Starting Clue Chain 8 - all welcome 😊 The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-madeclue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully... ...