In the cinnamon trust quiz, can any one help with finding a connection in No 11, Fidel Castro, a kitten,& a flick knife No1 Wendell pierce, A water droplet & Fred & George Weasley No 4 Hot...
Need some help please- 1 U a T. 5 A in a P. 9P in a N. 12 in a D (already have 12 in a dozen for another question). 19 HPNBT. 24 TTE. 75 A at WYGFTVL. 112P in a C. Any help or ideas gratefully...
Struggling with last 4 if anyone can help please. Answers are place namesin GB. Qu4. Perform on crossing. (5-6). Qu23. Commendable religious festival. (4-6) Qu60. Dried grass and the animal which eats...
Need some help with names of mountains to fit in this story please. 2nd. paragraph - ... as the sun got higher the day started to ______ (6) a bit. 4th. paragraph- Well, let's make sure we leave...
Reposting these questions as site was a bit strange over weekend! All vowels in answers are letter a, there is no e,i,o,u. 4. However way you look at it, this group helps the disabled (1,1,1,1,1). 35....
All vowels in answers are letter 'a' only, no e,i,o,u, anywhere. 4. However way you look at it, this group helps the disabled (1,1,1,1,1). 27. A movement still to be seen 100 years later (4,3,6). 35....
Answers are types of buildings.
11. Fancy mix end mix
29. Slow down mixed penultimate.
I guess there are probably anagrams involved, but I just can't see them.
Round 5 - I've got the following answers, but can't work out a connection - if anyone can help please? 1. John Constable. 2. Screaming Lord Sutch (David). 3. Thierry Henry. 4. Inspector Jack Frost. 5....
Please can you help me finish these 3 quizzes? SLSB Clothing quiz 25 4 x A 1 x b 1 x c 2 x l 27 Could be worn by Frank Bruno 39 Cut a skirt for running Dean Gibson the answer is edible 37 Roll is...