Does any kind soul out there have a code from today's paper for the Reward Club? I got to the newsagents late today and they'd run out of supplements. Many'many thanks in advance.
answers are things you might make or use on bakin day 6. Love never dies (4) 9. Mrs B wrote a famous one (6.4) 14. somerset gorge produces teatime treat (10) 21. sounds as though it may be hung up in...
Islands - 1. Sheep. 2. You:leads. 3. Fast. Mountains- 4.Little Polly: aga. 5. Many: lose the pl. 6.Ascend: concerning fruits. 7. Early age: lady. 8. Large: upper part of wall. Many thanks for any...
E.g. Type of knot = Reef. Any ideas for the following please? 1. World leaders have them. 2. Eat with haggis: _ _ _ _ you over. 3. Fruit. 4. Writer: narrow minded people. 5. A type of tern. 6. Man. 7....
Any ideas please for the following rivers-
1. Cereal.
2. Girl's name repeated.
3. Under _ _ _ _ _.
4. A smell.
5. Diving bird.
6. Thou:mat:query.
7. Ferocious fish.
Many thanks....
To rhyme with each other- 33a. Animal farm character (8). 33b. Disorderly brawl - but no charges are made (4,3,3). Also, to rhyme with 'The crown'. 2a. Sending words out for a scolding (8,4). Many...
23. They can tell a lot of good - or bad - tales (8).
41. We hear one should be worn in part of old Lancashire (5).
Thank you very much for any ideas....