ok it is getting late but I was watching something on BBC this morning (somethingfortheweekend was off due to some sporting event) and Nicky Campbell was discussing homosexuality. I was frankly...
Going to be Godmother for my gorgous nephew, am delighted ofcourse. Want to buy something a bit unique, (he has already been bought all the sliver keepsakes etc) but something that he will always...
Enjoy AB very much , but often wonder why ABers have the names they have. Mine is Brenda because I like the name.Anyone want to tell us their choice and why? .
hi i just wanted some outside imput on my baby name list BOYS Weston (west) Jenson Orren GIRLS Kensley Sienna having trouble with middle names please vote if you have time...
hi there, my son has just started full time school this month, he is only 4 and half and has a speech and understanding problem (you could ask him if he wanted grass for tea and he would reply yes! )....
It's been 3 years now since my bichon died and I think I'm ready to get another dog. My hubby would prefer a dog that does not moult as dog hair makes him come out in a rash. I know about the...
Often when i shop online with Tesco, sometimes my items vanish! I know for a fact that I have put them in the 'basket', but they never reach me, when i check the receipt i havent paid for them either,...
Does anyone know roughly how long it will take for my dog's fur to regrow. She was spayed last Wednesday and shaved quite severely across her tummy..Thanks very much.
i want to hear good and bad experiences abers have had with their pet insurance company. i need to get my 12 week collie insuranced but want to hear your views
I am planning on getting two male long haired kittens later in the year - either pedigree or moggie.. not sure yet. Does anyone have any good ideas for names??? Currently I have Harvey Pickle Pants...
Are teachers allow to discuss pupils progress outside of school? For example, a teacher at my sons school bumped into his father in a pub. Now bearing in mind, my sons father has not seen my son for...
do you have a friend or know someone who is just blatantly SO not interested in how your day was, or what you get up to that after you've said something, they've swung the conversation round to them??...