Why is it that someone can comment on how skinny someone else is, without even thinking that they may take offence? I was just out walkin in town there now, and bumped into a guy I hadn't seen in good...
Can anyone tell me what prozac does? I understand it's not like a tranquiliser and isn't habit forming but does it remove negative feelings? I don't really understand how anti-depressants work and I'm...
I have heard a lot of good reviews about this author and will probably start to read his books. Are the books better read in any sort of order or are they seperate stories all together?
seeing goodsmeister' post set me thinking whats the worst / corniest record in your collection i ahve loads of real tosh i will give three stars if you got same record in your single collection
I've had fibromyalgia since I was a kid, over 30 years now. 90% of the time I can cope with it even when its really bad, I manage to do a part time job and look after the house etc, but there...
My partner and I earn in total ?23000 per year. I work part time due to disability and only earn ?7800 of this. We qualify for a big fat zero in tax credits despite the fact that my...
Help, I appear to have fleas in my house. I've used Bob Martins Home Flea Fogger Plus in every room, some rooms twice but they're still here. We don't have any animals and we are personally very...
Evening all. My partner works for various schools, so officially 'broke up' today for 6 weeks. Anyone got any ideas how I can avoid killing him before September? I love him to bits, but 6 weeks of...
Just been out for the day with my mother. Took her for a nice meal, went shopping. She is a very negative, antagonistic, complaining (nothing ever good enough) woman in her late...
My daughter has just turned 9 and the time has come to start to prepare her for periods. Can anyone recommend any books that can help on the subject. My girlie is a sensitive little soul, naiive and...
My sons, 15 and 16 are very well-rounded young men. But it has recentley came to my attention that they are smuggling pornograpy into my home. I personally do not approve of this. I've tried talking...