anagrams of names of famous british people 1. reeolldtpwonerbba 2.obrnslbaagmeidknirumd 3. ensornayenc 4. nuemptleemkasirhn 5. kswayufeg 6. iraaghle 7. llhltnimvwiweaawciuostt 8. mtekjnacaioascpo 9....
has anyone tried to enter the deal or no deal competition.. you have to enter a code to submit the entry.. I thought it was 7gwo5 but not that... any ideas.. thanks
48 train journey Wick to Vladisvostok is how many miles - 11,000, 18000 or 8,000 and what is a tico - a hustler in Cuba or a native of costa rica or what the spanish chew with morning coffee? Many...
a province of the orthodox church e**r*h* image for reproduction where shades of grey and colours are created by varying the size of dots of pink *a*f*o** - is this halftone