8ac gosh In contact with flower in abbey ???A???R?
17d my one opal improves on exhibits here ?L?????
3d pan round garment under river ???O?A?
16d More probable to enjoy falsehood by the river ?I?????R
17d Tough to get excited about energy ?E??????Y
21d Tales don't start at a party ?O?I??
5ac ...over elitist great apes ??B????
13ac sweet person getting to live ??R??T
7d When you gained weight ??N??
5D Swingers given silver back ??T??
8ac Sign of cereal beyond isle ???R????? 18ac Town seat is replaced by old book ??C???I?S?E? 17D Rile poor Dickens about composer ???L?O? 19D One who's cutting it with Lord Sugar ?E?E? 11ac Dessert...
20AC nOT DRINKING AT EIGHTEEN, OF COURSE ???T???? 23ac Jettison the soft, go berserk ???/S???/?? 13D Lawmaker, pin is afterwards heard ????????O? 14D Now and again multiplied by reported total first...
Last two 22ac Like Victoria, semi employed U?E? - I thought User or Used 21D African city's good for nothing relative G?A?- Thanks for previous explanations of the answers- most helpful to my simple...
7ac Pale and smooth weapon in heartless western ???E? 8ac Criminal from madeira travelling in posh car ?A?-R???E? 1D Death eg of bad actor died under road surface ???O?/C?R? 13D Sun worshipper about...
Last few... 1D Space traveller in a casing, cross with national takeaway ???O?E/?A? 2D BBC Host with news recently received on internet say ???T?N/?E?B 7ac Attempt to leave economic activity of Asian...
15ac Capsule for replacement footwear ????-?P? 18ac hit film is ending with game show ??O?????T??? 20ac Page with another diagram, for example 22ac Stew in sunny location without son ??T??? thanks...
1Down Shh! Observe desert while retaining energy (4,5) ????/???E? 4D Run down excellent performances in historical drama (5,8) ?????/??I???R? 3D Eiffel alone, as we disband, has much better prospect...
1D Pragmatic claimer about to grab sleuth ?????I??? 2D Fraction of Beethovens Pastoral to link in ?????E?? 9D Wine cocktails served from 2 to 1 ???I???????S? 13D Order work for Spielberg ???????O? 4D...
7ac Name for a fabric ?E??? 10ac Mysteries of sweep with a tailless horse ?R???? 11ac Grabbing roller, it aint about to be a nuisance ????T??? 12 ac Shifted blame for dollar exchange ?A????/???/??C?...
Diabolical wordsearch- down to last 2- think it would be easy to find- one should be left over. I am left with Transfer Requests & West Bromwich Albion. Has anyone done this yet ? Doing my eyes in !!...