12 across is Loaded Pulped (7) I have S?A?H??. The answer could be SMASHED but I am not sure why, other than that the theme of the crossword is drunkenness and drinking. Any help would be... ...
25d It could be a No. 10 bonk (5)
I have the letters S?R?W, so the answer seems obvious but I don't understand the reference to No. 10. Any ideas would be appreciated....
Stuck on the last two - any help appreciated! 28a and 41d Praise for boxer possibly involves sentimentality, knocking back rum, and a lot of money (4,3) - I have ?O?D D?G. Probably the second word is...
Help please on 23d "Member's circle in attempt to get Boris overturned" (4,2).
T?R? M?
The answer could be TORY MP, but I am not sure why. I realise TRY is part of this....
I am stuck on 17down, "Laxative's working? Don't get cross: it's drivel".
The only word that seems to fit is BADINAGE, but I cannot pars it.
Any help would be much appreciated....
1a Around Tyneside, suits will get perks. I'm not sure I have got this right, but BENEFITS seems to fit, and I understand FITS = suits, but not sure about BENE. I know there is a club called the BENE...
21a I tear around centre of Bonn in my dreams (2,4)
The last one. Help appreciated. It looks like IN OILS but I don't see why. I have I-, O-l-.
Thank you....
I'm still stuck on four. Any tips would be appreciated. 16d She's describing romances with airy sounds (8) 22d Creating excitement in vicar, utter profanities for starters (3,2) 24a Following ousting...
I have written to the Crossword Editor and by the time you read this it may have been corrected. This morning I was puzzled, but realised that two pairs of clues have been swapped round - 8a should be...
17d Reserve is tackling in front with ball gaining possession
Could be DISTANCE = reserve, but I don't get the rest of it. Any help would be much appreciated....
11a Ginger cake dunked in drink: not a welcoming sign (2,7) I don't know why but the answer seems to be No Parking, as this fits the second part of the clue. The first part is a mystery to me. Any...
6d Number of people being operated on (12) I have worked out the answer to this, by trial and error, which is a word meaning a particular medical professional. I cannot see what this has to do with...