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last 2 again. 15 a Woman and chap in middle American town O?A?A 51a Marx to stick to his first love G?M?O Thanks in advance
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Last 4 26a Sports trophy inadequate for tennis champ (4) ?S?E 5d Man in church standing on ? (lost bit of clue) (4) E?A? 47d Group of animals? Put them on record, we say (6) ?H?L?M 51d In auditorium,...
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7d Attic's keeping out rain only to begin with - anorak's needed here G?E? Is it GLEN? Thanks in advance
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I have been having problems recently with Outlook, retrieving emails from BTYahoo. It starts to receive messages then jams on the first one. BT say there is no fault on their side and I can access...
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Last two and I give up 18a Dog's breath permeating empty cabin (5) ??I?N 18d Roman general appearing fool in most of press(7) ??A?S?S Thanks in advance
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Last one, doing my head in. I'm sure it's simple, but I can't see it. 23a Obligation beginning to ruin bank ?I?R. Thanks in advance
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My four year old springer spaniel bitch, daily rolls in fox C??P. Can anybody shed any light on this? I have been told that dogs do it when in heat, to mask the smell, but that was only a theory. I...
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Last two 12d Score, in first place, nine over the closing holes (5) N?T?? 18a Plug firm (7) S?A?N?? Thanks in advance
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Last few 1a Support plan to screen picture BACK P???E?T 28a Smell smoke? Attic's spared initially R?E? (REEK?) 32a Four enlisted by top manager ????U?I?? 44a Decorative style ultimately adopted by...
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Can anybody tell me how to access the radio code for the above., without paying for it?
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Give in 20d Perhaps bailiff engineers old lady's coming up with accepted fine (8) E?F?R?E? Enforced? Why? 31d One writes to the French Resistance even if imprisoned (6) A?T?O? 51d Source of virus...
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39d co founder of psychoanalysis with freud A?L?R thanks in advance
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Last 2 18a The writer in Paris about to get angry, one involved in tale of woe ?E?E?I?D 31a Ripping material written by sailor ?A?E?A?I?G. Is it WAVEMAKING? thanks in advance
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What is the relevant legislation that allows a conviction resulting in disqualification being spent after 5 years, but allows it to stay on licence for 11 years?
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Film shown recently on TV but can't remember name or stars. Explorer takes powerboat up river in search of an old battleship.
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Last 3 16a A Part of UK not liked initially by English? That's harsh(7) A?S???E Is it AUSTERE? 38a Cruel and stupid to close busy sound(8) ?N?U?A?E 11d Stuff found before in old tank (7) O???E?T Any...
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Checking last two: 24a Hint is not required in trial (6) N?A??? Is it NUANCE? 2d Christmas bird a failure? Nonsense. (10) T?R?E?C??? Is it **********? If so I Have it as two words. Thanks in advance
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Last one: 23a Silk moth regularly turned into fish (4) ?O?I I haven't a clue, any answer/explanation? Thanks in advance
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50a Lots of people, even the Dutch! (3,3,5,3,3,4) All the world and his ?i?? thanks in advance
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Checking on last 2 12d Smoke Giotto could draw so well. I have Perfecto? 36d Show anger and pursue suit in minor legal setting. I have LOWER COURT? any help/explanation Thanks in advance

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