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1a Effects a change of tack at sea (6,5) ---N-S -B-U- AND 2D The grain sounds twisted (3) --E
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during the meal sociable as well a??? one putting much into attendant guide's fee ????t??? sirs losing awful grogginess from drink ????o? as before heather is giving out small amounts ????ng lizard...
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Magical writer and talker 4 & 6> Metal worker and relative 5 & 6> Colour and left spoon mixture 5 & 6 > Feel and feeling 5 & 11>
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23a Turn up (6) ?S?E?R 106d Internet advert (3-2) ?O? ?R 84d Reliable performer (6) B?N?E? 17d Dark cherry (7) M?RE??O. Thanks
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11A Where pill popper might find happiness which is stupid (5) i?a?e (INANE - stupid but why the rest?)
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6. he changed from doctor to mister (6 & 4) 7. chats hurt skye (anag) (8 & 5) 8. you can wheel this gun before attending formal dance (6 & 4) 9. they gave mr corbett many a headache (5...
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7, get down (4) 13. a pair of porcine escapees (3,8,3) 32. went where no dog has gone before (5) 46. hi ho (6)...

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