Remained,having support ?t???d ?t???d.
It's irritating getting only a little credit in support (5letters??r??.
Commanding indivdual with an important role to play)7,4. L??????, ????...
Damaging gossip distorts our surly mug( 4,7)?g??,???????. (5 down)He's not at home in his present surroundings. 7letters N??????. They increase by degrees approaching the poles 9letters.?????????....
Object of French examination.(6 letters (D ?????.'
Empty space is not binding (4letters V???.
Dope is being removed inside channel it's just a pointer.9 letters g???e????....
does a drink provide this kind of reception? (7letters ) ?o?????. Being corpulent with nearly everbody is lethal) 5 letters) ???a? Speech shows where one lives( 7letters0???r???. This may be improved...
The usual standard by an early invader(6 letters)N?????. Was anxious about the French being acquitted (7 letters)?????e?. Take steps round the East for cessation of hostilities (5letters)?e?c?....
Most important personage of the day(5,5)?????,?t???.
( writer employed by stock farmer (3) ???) ?
( )Approximate figure for an eighteen hole total? (5,6)
(What the recapured convict...
( 10 down ( Engineers aim to give another speech ) (9 letters )R?????e??. (19 acc) (Interruption long time afterwards causing damage (8) b?e?????. (5 down (One existing on the water in Merseyside...
(3 down )case left upset fool I included) (9letters (??r??????)
(11down)Listen secretly, part of the roof is to come down)((letters ??????R??).
( 1down ) Cliff used this to deceive.)??u??).
(1acc ( Bankrupt in court to part after a quarrel (4,2)
(7acc) )One French poem about one creation) (8 lettres)???????? .
(14acc)Young childs lower (33_33) M?? _???.)...
( 3acc ) Stick together incase that is filled to capacity (3-6)(???-??????).
(11down) Restrict hours perhaps which something has to be done)(4-5).
14 acc (It is shared between countries (8 letters) ???n????.
(8acc Diplomatically adroit mover?) (9 letters) ?????????.)
( 4down Secure middle part for the corporation ?????l??)...