On a Various Artists album, think called Wine & grine has the sound of knocking, then a creeking opening door sound, then a male voice say'ing "I Come" then I think music & Female voise say'ing "sock...
I watched a film some years ago, and it ended or near the end, with a girl in a car with the devil , and there was something to do with a trick she played on him with time, like with a watch or...
Several years ago the guiness adverts used music from a musical soundtrack. At the time the track went "der dah der dah bum bum per bum , der dah der dah etc... (excuse the phrasing no other way of...
I heard a song a few weeks ago on the radio and I dont know if its a new one or an old-ish one. I dont know much about the song apart from that its very upbeat and catchy. The main catchy tune sounds...
What is the name and artist of the song on the NEW orange advert (the one where she is putting her hands in purple paint and climbing down the ladder) PLEASE PLEASE