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Go on, own up, you do sometimes don't you? What's your favourite but probably less than healthy snack? (Mine has to be American style hot dog sausages in a white roll & smothered with tomato ketchup!...
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This member has violated the rules of this site with regard to his/her membership. See today's answers on Body and Soul as an example. Can he/she be got rid of.
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My Grape Vine growing in the conservatory is covered with a white sticky substance which I believe is mealy bug. A huge crop of grapes is totally wrecked. I have found traces of the bug on an umbrella...
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IS there such a thing? I came home from the pub last week to find a little bug - the same size and shape as a ladybird but a cramy transparent color with reddish little spots - just like a ladybird....
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The recently published A level results (showing record numbers of grade As for the 22nd year running), prove that exams really are getting easier, to the point that it's just becoming farcical....
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Have you ever been told you look like a famous person? If so, who?
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Can anyone tell me how to get rid of a cold sore before saturday (3 days)!!! i've a really important party coming up on saturday, and am are getting TWO cold sores. Many thanks.
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Willy Wombat
which T.V gardening presenter used to be a ballet dancer
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What is the past tense of drink???
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how do you kill bamboo?
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what kind of tree would be good for shade and privacy for my bedroom window
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any message boards for people researching their west belfast ancestors?
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How does a Duvet work?
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how to plant and care for my bamboo
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does anyone have a "recipe" for growing a crystal garden with silica? thanks
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How mucy light or sun does a peace lilly need?
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Can anyone suggest a plant for a bathroom with no natural light - and don't say an artificial one. Also, I'm not wild keen on ivy.
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my lucky bambo plant has become soft and the color is becoming lighter
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(Not sure if this qualifies as arts and literature, but I'll go for it anyway.....) Does anyone remember a character from either the Beano or the Dandy called Pie Face? My boyfriend insists there was...
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How do I stop the egg yolk going that horrible green colour around the outside of the yolk when I hard boil an egg

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